
Our Pre-School Graduate

Today was Kimble's last day of pre-school {insert proud mom tear here}. Her class put on an 'End of the Year Celebration' for all of the families to attend. They sang a couple of songs- Kimble just tried to hide behind her hands, peeking once in a while to see if we were still looking- and received individual achievement awards. They also attempted to get a class picture.

Can you guess what Kimble's award was... That's right, for being so artistic. She was so proud of herself after getting this piece of paper!

Once all the awards were handed out, it was time for a treat. The teachers put together an ice cream social for the kids. Kimble got to make her own sundae with a little help from mom to scoop the ice cream and squirt the whipped cream. Boy, did Kimble enjoy that special surprise.

The time had come to say good-bye to a couple of teachers that have helped Kimble grow so much over the last 2 years. I know for sure that it is because of these wonderful women, and their love for Kimble, that our little girl has blossomed. I will always be thankful for Ms. Rebecca (top) and Ms. Dorthea (bottom).

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