We then headed back to my parents' house to open gifts from them. We also had our traditional ham and cinnamon roll breakfast. So good! The kids each had their favorite gifts. Karter just couldn't stop unwrapping and ended up helping my sister, Heather, open her presents too.
Just after noon we made our way to Peoria for Christmas dinner with Kevin's family. Kevin's brothers got remote control helicopters and a Wii, so he was pretty happy. The kids got to open another present from Grandma and Papa Johnson. They really like the jammies they received. We had ham again for dinner, along with rolls, potatoes and salad. Once again, a great holiday meal.
We ended up getting back kind of late. So we just went to bed when we got home. It was sure a wonderful holiday. Kimble and Karter were both so happy with their gifts and that is all that I really hoped for. We are grateful for the time we spent with family and for all the love we shared. Until next year...