
August Equals Birthdays

Another birthday shout out to my little sister, Lara, who turns 17 today (we have 5 August birthdays in my family). It is so hard to believe that the youngest of us six kids is now a senior in high school. Lara is such a great aunt to Kimble, Karter, Parker, Dallin and McKay. She always has time to play when we come over and is willing to help them watch a movie or play a video game. Not only that, she will babysit whenever we need her, as long as she doesn't already have plans with great friends. Love ya!

(Kimble actually took this picture last summer on our annual camping trip together.)

(I totally forgot to say Happy Birthday to Amy, my sister-in-law, too. Sorry!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ugh,Kristi that's a horrible picture to use! didn't you have any better?
o well, thank you adding me to your blog, love ya too!