
What Were We Thinking

Yesterday, Kevin decided that we all need to join him in going to check out our lot in Arizona City. (I know that most people have never even heard of this tiny town, just so you know... it is south of the exit for the 8 (to San Diego), off the I-10. For some reason, we thought they it was our only chance to own a home two years ago and now we are stuck with it.) Anyway, we all headed down there, Kevin knowing that I really wanted to be at the Tupperware party I was invited to at 2pm. We visited with Jeremy and his family, who live in Arizona City and then proceeded to clean the lot. The dirt was not even dirt, more like sand... which made for some pretty messy kids. We forgot to bring gloves, so we were not able to bag up the poky weeds that I cleared, the entire back wall was blocked by those darn weeds. Then, I got bit by a number of ants and I was sweating way too much for comfort. I was so ready to get out of there as soon as we arrived. Kevin, of course, being his always upbeat self, got right to work clearing some of the sandy dirt that had washed straight into the street back onto our property. As I raked and raked the dirt that at one point had a river run through it, I thought: "What were we thinking? I am so happy we ended in Queen Creek. This is NOT for me." We finally finished, took some pictures around town for the blog (we set one up to help advertise while we try to sell), stopped at Del Taco in Casa Grande for lunch on the run and made our way back home. Yes, I was about 30 minutes late to my precious party, but the work is done. Thank goodness!!

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