
...like a nail in the foot

Friday night, shortly after my parents arrived to treat us to dinner, Kimble stepped on a nail in the backyard. It proceeded to go through the side of her right foot and out the top. The rusty nail had to be at least 3 inches long. We didn't really know what to do and it was not coming out, so we left the boys with my parents and rushed Kimble to the closest urgent care. Luckily, there was only one other person waiting when we got there so they took us right back (the screaming little girl with a nail sticking out of her foot probably helped). We got an awesome nurse and a wonderful doctor (Nathan Brooks) who kept her relatively calm while taking a few x-rays and then removing the nail. Although Kimble was screaming most of the time, she made sure to let us all know how she felt about the situation. As Kevin carried her out to head home she yelled, "Mommy, look at my new shoe!" We think that she will be okay. We see a doctor on Monday to have it checked again.
My Dad was super nice to get Chinese food for everyone while we were gone. Once we got home and Kimble was calmed down, Kevin and I went out for frozen yogurt with my parents. It was definitely not what we had planned for our Friday night, but we are okay with that. Thanks Mom, Dad and Lara for your help!!


Lara said...
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Lara said...

uhm, kristi... it was friday night. but to see she's ok! :D

Kristi said...

Thanks, Lara. I changed it.