
baptism, blessing and birthdays (oh my)

We had a fun filled family weekend. We started with a baptism on Saturday for my nephew, Dallin. He was so excited and it showed. After the baptism he was asked how he felt, his response, "WET." It was great to be able to see him receive such a wonderful blessing. Plus, Kimble is the next one to be baptized and now that she knows what it means to be baptized she just can't wait.

Sunday morning we were able to attend the blessing of baby Jenna. Her father gave a wonderful blessing, she is a lucky little girl.

Sunday evening, we had dinner at my parents' house to celebrate the birthdays of two of my sisters. It was fun, as always, and also a relief to know that we made it through all the August birthdays (5 from my family and another 1 from Kevin's). The red velvet cupcakes and mini cheesecakes were a yummy way to top off our weekend!


Unknown said...

those cupcakes look yummmmy!!! and perfect!

Kristi said...

She'll be seling them at the Pecan Creek Boutique in November!

Stephanie said...

Soooo cute!