
july 30

Saturday morning we went for a drive along the Needles highway, stopping at a small lake in Custer State Park. We went for what we thought was going to be a walk around the lake, but turned into more like a hike in flip-flops. None the less, the kids enjoyed picking flowers, looking for fish and getting their feet wet in the water.

We had a relaxing afternoon back at the cabins. Kimble and Karter went swimming with the Halliburtons while Koltyn and I had a nap. It was so nice not to be rushing somewhere to see something.
After dinner, we all gathered for a game of Minute to Win It (thank you Julie). It turned out to be a barrel of fun! The kids were so proud to take their turn holding up the sign for the next event. After all the fun we had ice cream sandwiches and watched a slide show of family pictures. Great way to end the reunion.

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