
Horseshoe Park: Round Two

Saturday, between conference sessions, we ran over to Horseshoe park. They were having an Arabian Horse Show this weekend and I thought Kimble might enjoy seeing the horses again. It turned out to be pretty boring, unfortunately. We had more fun watching the horses in the warm-up ring than the actual competition- which was basically an announcer calling out an action, the horses performing it and the judges making marks quietly.

We did notice these HUGE fans in the arena on our way out. I could not believe how big they were and had to take a picture for evidence. I won't tell you name of the fan company, but I am sure you can imagine what they are called.


Anonymous said...

If you click on the picture of the fan, you will get a clear shot of the name of the fan company:)

Kristi said...

Sorry, I guess I should have checked that first.